Quizonic.com, is our new discovery !
Indeed this is a discovery for all the magic that it offers. A website based on pure fun, learning and quiz making. I have found the tedious task of quiz making fun and easy all thanks for this free quiz maker. It offers a wide range of topics that includes quizzes on Animals, Religion and Politics, just to name a few. These are probably the most searched for topics that are used globally.
I am very impressed with the uniform design of each quiz, as you click on one topic, it pops up 4 rectangulars in colourful boxed that will help the designer(you) in choosing the appropriate quiz. The boxes define the composition of questions, the frequency of the quiz used, the average time required for the quiz and the maximum score. This gives the instructor an understanding of what kind of quiz he is designing.The website takes you directly into the quizzing when you press the Green icon.
I have taken three of the quizzes just for fun and I totally love this website for its just very vibrant! Plus there's nothing to loose if its FREE and if it just refreshes my memory and sharpens my IQ .