This week I ended up visiting, a website gadget platform which is attracting online shopping stores like honey bees. With the emerging trend of online shopping and the influence of social media platform such as Pinterest it is estimated that an average person spends 75% of his time on online shopping/window-shopping. This means wherever you have customers you need assistance for customers. Shoutbox comes into play, when called for assistance to customers.
The shoutbox gadget enables you to get in touch with your visitors. It is a fully customizable real-time chat that enables you to communicate with your website guests. Though I meant to shop some clothing but I got detracted with this tiny bright chat box in the corner. This shoutbox is fascinating specially because its free! At the website, it allows you to customize the colors and size of your chatbox. So if you have lesser room at your website, you can always squeeze it to the minimum. Shoutbox stands out from the rest of chatboxes because of its appealing images that you can enable at the background. They present to you a wide wide variety of transparent background. A fun feature that allows you to play along with some work. The website is relatively simple to be honest but clearly defines what comes with the package. In addition to the colors and sizes, the shoutbox’ salient features are auto refreshing, recording and storage of the history available for view and works with all browsers.
Needless to say, the shoutbox is a very useful tool that one must enable to help their customers as well as to communicate with all the guests. At the cost of nothing:) take a tour for yourself and you will end up sticking this little widget at your website. With the use of the free shoutbox, I can speculate US to have the biggest number of online shoppers in no time.