poniedziałek, 3 lutego 2014

Free Counter For Website

Whose new to my blog? I think a few hundreds or probably a few thousands.  Whatever your thoughts are you're wasting away valuable business by not tracking your visitors and their respective hits. 

I happen to stumble upon a site called Counterforwebsite.com. A website I feel has been designed for me. The website caters to all kinds of counters … be it a HTML Counter or a Wordpress Counter, or even a Blogger Counter everything is within. So everyone can make use of this tiny widget that can translate every day’s visit and hits into valuable information. The professional and simple design of the website made my visit very fruitful. It answered my whys and whats with just a few bullet points. Not only has it gained popularity among small scale users but is also a favorite of large notable websites with millions of users every second. And the reason is pretty clear: Its Free. A free Counter. The site makes an honest confession of emitting some light ads which is completely negligible in contrast to its benefits. 

I suggest all you webmasters to stumble upon this free counter for website and let it count your potential for you. 

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